by pauly | May 31, 2018 | Parent, Pauly Cast
Andrew Forsthoefel is a deeply inspiring young man who is truly an old soul walking among us. He set out one fine day to walk across America and listen to learn. His stories are quite touching and his observations profound. Andrew is the kind of person that gives...
by pauly | Dec 5, 2017 | Parent, Pauly Cast
Sy Montgomery feels like a soul mate to me. So how could I say no when, after her second appearance on the show (hear her first appearance, too!), she said, “I want to interview you!” Besides, my whole approach to life is, “SAY YES!” It definitely felt different to...
by pauly | Aug 25, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) is doing a documentary on being open and meeting people. The producers caught wind of my book, Hitchhiking With Larry David, all the way over in England and reached out to me for an interview. This is our wonderful exchange!...
by pauly | Aug 18, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
In a lovely twist of roles, I am the guest on my own show as profound poet and writer George Green (find him on Facebook, too!) sits in the Captain’s Seat of The Pauly Cast. George did an amazing job. His presence was both provocative and inspiring. We will...
by pauly | Jan 28, 2016 | Parent, Pauly Cast
Bonus Audio! I did an interview on January 27, 2016 with the BBC for a documentary about people connecting with strangers. Based on my book, they thought I would be a good person to speak with! Give a...
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